Advanced Dental Technology

The Best Possible Technology in Dentistry

Technology in medical sciences brings huge benefits to patients. Since introduction of implants into north America in early 1990’s, a handful innovative dental technologies have developed to facilitate its successful application in clinical dentistry. We incorporate the following technologies in our everyday practice for the best results for our patients. They help us to provide our patients with high quality implant treatments.

3D Cone Beam CT

CBCT is 3D radiography which provides 3 dimensional information of your inner structure with great accuracy. No more guessing game when you do surgery. You see how much bone you have, the shape of the bony architecture, where the nerves are, and so on.

Intra-oral scan 3D

It is like a taking a video for your mouth. Your mouth in 3 dimension is realized for diagnosis and education purpose. You will see your own mouth so you understand clearly. For many this works better than thousand words.

Virtual planning

We simulate placing your implants using cutting edge software. Appropriate position, size, and type of implants will be selected during this virtual placing of them. All the risks of damaging surrounding structure are technically removed throughout this careful planning stage.

3-D printed guide

Your virtual planning of implant should be transferred to your own mouth with accuracy. A surgical guide does this. Digitally designed surgical guide is printed with 3D printer in the precision of micrometer. It is so accurate with corresponding implant surgical system so that the operator can be safely guided during the surgery.

Innovative Silent drilling

Dental drilling uses high speed with irrigation that may cause noise and vibration. That makes the patient feel quite uncomfortable during surgery. Our innovative low-rpm drilling gets rid of most of this issue. Simultaneous irrigation is not required as well. This technology is introduced to prevent possible overheating during implant drilling but, also brings us great benefits for the sake of our patients feeling.

CAD-CAM manufacturing

Computer Aided Design (CAD) and Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) play integral role in a contemporary dental laboratory. Unprecedented accuracy and reliability are achieved from this newer technology which ensure the quality of implant restoration. Our on-site lab is equipped with most advanced scanners and milling machines. Every restoration here is made in our lab. No outsourcing to any local AND overseas places.

Call (703) 815-0699 for Complimentary Implant Consultation!