Are You High Risk for Cavities?

If you don’t brush and floss your teeth daily, it’s no secret that you may be more susceptible to developing cavities in your teeth—but slacking on those necessities aren’t the only things that can bring trouble to your mouth.

Here are a few factors to consider that can lead to more tooth fillings.

  • Genetics. Did you know that not every mouth is created equal? Each one of us has a different amount of bacteria in our mouth at any given time, which is partially thanks to genetics. Genetics are also responsible for giving some of us brittle teeth, which can be a cause for concern when it comes to cavities.
  • Age. While getting older comes with more free time to do the things you enjoy, it can also mean more cavities as the enamel of your teeth weaken over time. As you age, it’s critical to continue to care properly for your teeth and be aware of limiting sugary sweets to help keep tooth trouble at bay.
  • Eating disorders. There are a couple of different ways that eating disorders can affect your teeth and lead to more cavities. To start, your teeth won’t get the proper nutrition they need, like calcium. More so, some eating disorders can lead to purging, which ultimately damages tooth enamel. If you’re struggling with an eating disorder, we’d love to direct you to resources that can help you overcome it and thrive.
  • Alcohol. Did you know that alcohol can lead to dry mouth and is highly acidic, which can wear away enamel?
  • Smoking. Even one cigarette each day can have harmful effects on your oral health. Smoking aids in the development of bacteria and tartar in your mouth, which may result in tooth decay, loss and cavities.

If you think you have a cavity, schedule a visit with us. It’s best to identify and treat it as quickly as possible!

Call (703) 815-0699 for Complimentary Implant Consultation!